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Lawn signs, t-shirts designs, and more!

Posted Date: 11/29/2022

Lawn signs, t-shirts designs, and more!

Attention CGS Students and Families! 

The school year is flying by and we are starting to think about the end of the year (already?!?) Our students are busy working on celebrations for our seniors, collecting memories as the year progresses, and making sure the 2022-23 school year is properly commemorated. 

Here’s how you can help: 

  • Do you have an artistic child? Encourage them to submit a design to the Senior T-Shirt Design Contest! Students are welcome to submit graphics, design suggestions, or use a template. Submissions are being accepted now through December 23 on Google Classroom. 
  • Lawn signs for the Class of 2023 are now on sale for $20. Celebrate loud and proud by purchasing one today. A portion of the proceeds will go towards future enrichment activities at CGS. Signs will be available for pickup in April. 
  • Place your order for the CGS yearbook supplement by bringing $35 (cash or check) to Ms. Taylor. The price increases after December 23, so get your orders in now!

Any questions, please email Ms. Spero: